From Burnout to Revitalised!

This course is for you if you are busy, stressed, burnt out & in need of help and guidance to rediscover who you are, what you want out of life and how to go about readjusting your busy mindset in order to achieve the life that you dream of.

  • Do you “power through” your daily activities, schedule yourself into cycles of busyness & deplete your energy in places that have no real connection for you?

  • Do you feel addicted to work & busyness?

  • Do you over-ride your truth with a more “socially acceptable” answer or behaviour?

  • Are you unable to wind down, rest or relax?

  • Are you jaded from living in a society that normalises being so drained of energy?

  • Are you suppressing who you truly are, yet interested in reconnecting to your truth?

  • Are you ready to learn how to live life in a more energised and authentic way?

  • Do you want to hit the reset button on life but don’t know how to go about it?

Who is it for?

This course is for those who are on the brink of burnout. Those who juggle so many balls and don’t look after themselves. Those who don’t understand how they got to this point. Those who are there for everyone else but at a large cost to themselves. Those who know that there must be a better way to live this life. Those who want to be able to rest and relax but don’t know where to start. Those who don’t just want be to given another way to do a ‘to do list’ but want a deeper understanding of themselves and why they do what they do. Those who feel it is not ever going to be possible to get back to the type of life they had envisaged for themselves.

Course Description

Rest & Reset offers guidance, information & community support to return to your authentic nature & reclaim your inner vitality and zest for life. This informative course invites you to dive into a more pleasurable and connected way of living, without having to sacrifice achieving your goals. Societal pressures tend to instil certain beliefs about how we "should" be performing in everyday life. This is often contradictory to the reality of our actual physical, spiritual and emotional needs. It seems as if we have created a world where we need to disconnect in order to just get through the daily tasks of modern living. The result is anxiety, stress, burnout, illness, disease & a lack of meaningful connection. Rest & Reset offers you a framework to reclaim the balance necessary for your vitality, and to reinstate the value of rest into your routines. Reset your mind, body & spirit to a new flow & rhythm, one which is a more authentic expression of your truth. What does this mean? It means dropping the endless hustle. It means re-imagining rest & tapping into it's creative potential. It means harmonizing your yin & yang energy & rising to be beYOUtiful YOU. We have developed a holistic, Mind Body Spirit programme to guide you within to the very truth of who you are.

This programme offers the opportunity

to understand our need for balance: mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually.

  • to help re-introduce rest through experiential practices & resources

  • to elevate your thinking from scattered, worrying thoughts to a quiet mind

  • to understand & soothe your emotions

  • to understand and regulate your nervous system

  • to redefine your goals with deeper meaning & priority

  • to embrace change and transformation

  • to come home to your authentic self

  • to reconnect with yourself, others and the greater universal whole

  • to carve out your own pathway to intentional living

  • to feel empowered in your choices for your health, well being & a balanced life

“When you realise nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you”

Lao Tzu

Why should you do this course?

Stress, exhaustion and burnout are major leading causes of chronic illness and this is something we can control. It is within our power to change habits to improve the quality and length of our lives. Our bodies and our souls need a reset, like the reboot on our phones. We need to recharge our batteries and stop running on empty. Carina, Jannah & Vivianne have come together to create this offering of psychological, physiological & nutritional methods to aid your return to your vitality and reconnect with your authenticity. There are twelve distinct modules, each one led by either Carina, Jannah or Vivianne. Each module offers a theme of focus to learn & develop, bringing opportunities to discover and process the necessary changes that can be made to release the heavy burdens of modern living whilst instilling beneficial & re-energising practices. Together let’s support each other to revitalize our minds, bodies & spirits towards a more connected & intentional life.

  • Learn where, when & how to slow down & speed up to get the most out of your life.

  • Understand why we put up barriers to rest and self-care.

  • Recognise how proper rest, tailored to your personality and body type, can leave you more energised for the things that matter to you.

  • Define methods to support & empower yourself in a stressful world.

  • Identify how to increase contentment, purpose and serenity.

  • Practice how to get in sync with your own natural rhythm and that of the world around you.

  • Implement methods to regulate your nervous system in order to decrease stress.

  • Reinstate the Yin to your Yang by embracing your feminine energy, not denying it.

  • Establish how to let go of guilt and shame in our overworked culture and instead embrace choice and empowerment.

  • Rediscover that life that you always dreamed about.

What it is not?

This is not a quick fix. This is not just here to just tell you to rest more. This is not fluff! Our aim has always been for this course to be a deeply educational and personal learning experience. We teach the theory but also give practical experiential exercises and tools for you to implement in a way that suits you and your life. And we don’t leave out the spiritual aspect of true connection to self and to the world around us.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Understanding the nervous system

    3. Navigating through the nervous system states part one

    4. Navigating through the nervous system states part two

    5. Navigating through the nervous system states part three

    6. System overload Conclusion

    1. Introduction

    2. Understanding the what , why & how of assertiveness

    3. Factors that influence our assertiveness style

    4. Assertive communication

    5. Assertiveness meditation

    6. Conclusion

    1. Introduction

    2. Understanding your bodytype

    3. Rest for your bodytype

    4. Bodytype relaxation

    5. Post relaxation explanation & insights

    6. Conclusion

    1. Introduction

    2. Balancing of Yin & Yang energies

    3. Yin Yoga Practice

    4. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

    5. Balancing busy & rest

    6. Meditation for balance

    7. Conclusion

About this course

  • €149,00
  • 86 lessons
  • 21.5 hours of video content

Bonus material

  • 13 Relaxations & Visualisations

    Integrate the learning from each module with a guided relaxation & visualisation

  • Downloadable Worksheets & Additional Resources

    Carry out personal reflections & consolidate the learning from each module with easy to use downloadable worksheets. Extend your learning further with additional resources added throughout the course

  • Join the Community

    Meet others through the discussion forum or share tips, ideas, recipes or events in the Rest & Reset private Facebook group

Course Authors

Carina Kennedy

Course Author

Carina is a Nutritional Therapist, Herbalist & Naturopath, along with being a reiki master, reflexologist, iridologist and a former nurse. She has a passion for all things health and nature, which has always been who she is but was definitely ignited to a new level through her own health trials and tribulations. Her passion in natural health is fueled by her knowledge and experience not only with her own healing but with that of thousands of clients over the last 15 years of her practice. Her motto is “keep it simple, keep it natural, keeps you healthy” or “KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetie” she is all about making healthy choices simple and accessible for those that want them. She can’t wait to share that passion with you and help you find that balance between Thriving, surviving and reviving. Get ready to reset

Jannah Walshe

Course Author

Jannah is an adult and adolescent psychotherapist, working in both the private and the community sector. She originally studied psychology in the UK but shortly after making the move back to Ireland, she realised that her love was in psychotherapy and became a fully qualified and accredited psychotherapist. She is passionate about working within the community and offers mental health education courses in secondary schools, personal development courses and workshops, writes articles for a local newspaper and facilitates various support groups. She has a strong interest in Ecopsychology which is based on the idea that people are connected to and impacted by their natural environment. Another keen interest of hers is in the area of personal self-actualisation. She enjoys supporting people to find and realise their true potential, particularly that which brings them a greater sense of contentment and balance.

Vivianne Maloney

Course Author

Vivianne is a Psychotherapist, course author & group facilitator. She is also a trainer for Aware – the National Organisation for Depression and Bi-Polar. Having a previous background in Fashion industry, Vivianne brings a wealth of wisdom in navigating the everyday stressors & demands of living in today's busy world. The name Vivianne is of French origin meaning "Life" & reflects her passion for authentic connection, expression of self and enhanced vitality. Her mission is to help people cultivate and nurture an intimate, supportive, nourishing relationship with themselves, while she maintains the very same for herself. She holds a Master of Arts in Humanistic & Integrative Psychotherapy and is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP). She also holds a National Diploma in Art & Fashion Design. Vivianne offers Psychotherapy in private practice both online and face-to-face in Castlebar, Co. Mayo.

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